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At ODU I have been blessed with the opportunity to meet long lasting friends, brothers, and connections. That is due to me stepping outside of my comfort zone and joining different jobs, organizations, and clubs. At ODU in spring 2019 I was granted the opportunity to join Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. From the jump I knew it was one of the best choices that I have made at Old Dominion University. As a member of Alpha Phi Alpha I have immediately started to grow as an individual. I have started participating more in community service events such as campus clean ups, helping the homeless, and participating in different events to help bring awareness to many issues in our community and world as a whole. I have picked up leadership roles such as Historian, Corresponding Secretary and the Education Chair since I have joined.

I have made many connections through my participation in the Cybersecurity cluband Information Systems and Project Management Professional club. Surrounding myself with people that have similar dream jobs and majors has really help me change my approach to how I move around campus and in life in general.

During the Fall of 2019 I joined the Society for Collegiate Leadership and Achievement. This was a great opportunity for me to join because this network expands  my connections and help me meet individuals that I never would've met if I didn't join. It also helped me improve my daily and long term goals to be more precise.

Involvement is huge in College. Stepping outside of your comfort zone can help you in the long run. I am grateful for the opportunities I have been granted due to involvement. I am always influencing students that are younger and older then me so that they're able to get the same connections as myself. 

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